What is WACM and is it different from CACM?

Date Published: 2020-08-20

WACM, stands for Warehouse Arrival Certification Message, is an electronic notification transmitted by CBSA-licensed sufferance warehouse operators when the unreleased goods arrive at their facilities. CBSA has enforced the transmission of WACM since May 2015. WACM is required for each Cargo Control Number (CCN). Starting November 1, 2020, it must also include sub-location codes.

CACM, stands for Cargo Arrival Certification Message, which is transmitted by Carriers for the first port of arrival. This is to inform CBSA the vessel has arrived at the port.

The cargo could be arrived at the first port of arrival by CACM or in-land warehouses by WACM, depending on the location where the cargo is manifested. Once it attains the "Arrived" status, it will be eligible for release.

Some common messages you may receive when transmitting a WACM to the CBSA may include:

  • CCN not on file: If you receive these messages, the CBSA has received your transmission. No action required
  • R09: Arrival Office Does Not Match Release Office: There is a mismatch port of destination between the WACM and release docs. The release data needs to be updated.
  • GIS-4: Goods Released. The cargo has been released.

For further details: CBSA WACM

We are offering a Free Web Demo for WACM to ensure that our software suits your specific warehouse operating needs. Commitment free!

Warehouse operators, who do not have an ability to transmit the electronic WACM, can use a service provider

Seatech Systems Integration Inc. is a CBSA-registered service provider. We have been assisting many terminals and warehouse operators in setting up and transmitting WACM since 2015 when the WACM transmission was first enforced.

Our web-based software:

  • Has ability to transmit multiple shipments at once directly to the CBSA
  • Displays real-time data to always keep you up to date on the shipment status
  • Has a user-friendly interface accommodating staff of different technical proficiency levels.

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.