Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Norway Kragero 40300
Thailand Krabi 54900
Togo Kpeme 75200
India Kozhikode 53300
Hong Kong Kowloon 58270
Russia Kovisto 46220
Finland Koverhar 40532
New Caledonia Kouaoua 64100
Finland Kotka 40549
Malaysia Kota Kinabalu 55752
Egypt Kossier 72999
Fedrated States of Micron Kosrae 68206
Denmark Korsor 40917
Russia Korsakov 46236
Palau Koror 68394
Greece Korinthos 48410
Sweden Kopmanholmen 40100
Norway Kopervik 40300
Slovenia Koper 47909
Slovenia Kopar 47909

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