Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
China Jiu Jiang 57000
South Korea Jinsen 58029
South Korea Jinhae 58015
Philippines Jimenez 56500
Algeria Jijel 72100
Saudi Arabia Jiddah 51721
Saudi Arabia Jidda 51721
China Jiangyin 57080
China Jiangmen 57000
Canada Jervis Inlet, BC 12217
Haiti Jeremie 24500
Saudi Arabia Jeddeh 51721
United Arab Emirates Jebel Dhanna 52050
United Arab Emirates Jebel Ali 52051
Iran Jazireh ye Khark 50700
Qatar Jazirath Halul 51800
India Jawaharlal Nehru 53313
United Kingdom Jarrow 41398
India Jamnagar 53305
St. Helena Jamestown, St. Helena 75899

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.