Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Guyana Georgetown 31201
Guyana Linden 31215
Guyana McKenzie 31235
Guyana New Amsterdam 31202
Guinea Bissau All Guinea-Bissau Ports 76489
Guinea Bissau Bissau 76489
Guinea All Other Guinea Ports 74699
Guinea Conakri 74619
Guinea Conakry 74619
Guinea Kamsar 74625
Guinea Konakri 74619
Guatemala All Other Guatemala Caribbean Region Ports 20500
Guatemala All Other Guatemala West Coast Region Ports 20599
Guatemala Champerico 20599
Guatemala Istapa 20599
Guatemala Iztapa 20599
Guatemala Livingston 20500
Guatemala Puerto Barrios 20513
Guatemala Puerto Matias de Galves 20505
Guatemala Puerto Quetzal 20506

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