Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Grenada St. George's 24881
Greenland All Other Greenland 10100
Greenland Faeringehavn 10100
Greenland Frederikshaab 10100
Greenland Godhavn 10100
Greenland Godthaab 10125
Greenland Godthab 10125
Greenland Holsteinsborg 10100
Greenland Ivigtut 10100
Greenland Jakobshavn 10100
Greenland Julianchaab 10100
Greenland Julianehaab 10100
Greenland Marmorilik 10100
Greenland Mesters Vig 10100
Greenland Mestersvig 10100
Greenland Narsarssuak 10100
Greenland Narssarssuaq 10100
Greenland Thule 10101
Greenland Tovkusoak 10100
Greenland Tovqussaq 10100

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.