Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
France La Mailleraye 42700
France La Nouvelle 42799
France La Pallice 42733
France La Seyne 42799
France La Seyne sur Mer 42799
France Lavera 42780
France Le Boucau 42735
France Le Havre 42737
France Le Petit Quevilly 42700
France Le Trait (River Seine) 42700
France Le Treport 42700
France Le Verdon 42742
France Lorient 42743
France Mailleraye 42700
France Marseille 42782
France Montoir 42745
France Morlaix 42700
France Nantes 42749
France Nice 42786
France Pauillac 42751

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.