Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Portugal Funchal 47101
Japan Funakawa Ko 58868
Japan Funakawa 58868
Japan Funagawa 58868
Tuvalu Funafuti Atoll 62231
Japan Funabashi 58821
Japan Fukuyama 58803
United Arab Emirates Fujaireh 52077
United Arab Emirates Fujairah 52077
Faroe Islands Fuglefjord 40985
China Fuchou 57015
Mexico Frontera 20153
Canada Frobisher Bay, NL 15298
Bahamas Fresh Creek 23600
Australia Fremantle 60222
Sierra Leone Freetown 74751
Bermuda Freeport, Ireland Island 23299
Bahamas Freeport, Grand Bahama I 23645
Norway Fredrikstad 40334
Finland Fredrikshamn 40520

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.