Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Morocco El Jorf Lasfar 71415
Morocco El Jadida 71400
Egypt El Ismailiya 72925
Egypt El Hamra Oil Terminal 72906
Venezuela El Guamache 30774
Spain El Grao 47099
Spain El Ferrol del Caudillo 47022
Spain El Ferrol 47022
Algeria El Djazair 72101
Egypt El Dekheila 72901
Mexico El Cuyo 20195
Venezuela El Chaure 30735
Nicaragua El Bluff 21901
Egypt El Alamein 72906
Germany Einswarden 42874
Israel Eilath 50871
Israel Eilat 50871
Norway Egersund 40325
Netherlands Eemshaven 42132
United Kingdom Edinburgh 41675

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.