Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Croatia Susaka 47923
Croatia Vranjic 47998
Croatia Zadar 47933
Costa Rica Aguadulce 22389
Costa Rica All Other Costa Rica Caribbean Region Ports 22300
Costa Rica All Other Costa Rica West Coast Region Ports 22399
Costa Rica Bahia de Moin 22315
Costa Rica Caldera 22361
Costa Rica Coco Islands 22399
Costa Rica Colorado Bar 22301
Costa Rica Golfito 22363
Costa Rica Golfo Dulce 22399
Costa Rica Islas de Coco 22399
Costa Rica Limon 22313
Costa Rica Moin 22315
Costa Rica Puerto Golfito 22363
Costa Rica Puerto Limon 22313
Costa Rica Puerto Vargas 22300
Costa Rica Punta Morales 22386
Costa Rica Punta Quepos 22381

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.