Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Bahamas Coco Cay 23640
Turks Is Cockburn harbor 24310
India Cochin 53333
India Cocanada 53398
Ireland Cobh 41905
Mexico Coatzacoalcos 20171
United Kingdom Clyde 41615
French Polyn Clipperton Island 64195
Bahamas Clifton Point 23675
Bahamas Clifton Pier 23675
Philippines Claveria 56500
Canada Clarkson, ONT 1527
Canada Clarke's Harbour, NS 13451
Canada Clarke Harbour, NS 13451
Canada Clarke City, QUE 13476
Mexico Clarion Island 20100
Canada Clarenville, NFLD 15224
Bahamas Clarence Town 23635
Australia Clarence River 60281
St. Helena Clarence Bay, Ascension Is 75898

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