Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Cape Verde Mindelo 76465
Cape Verde Porto Grande 76465
Cape Verde Porto Praia 76475
Cape Verde Praia 76475
Cape Verde Sal Island 76499
Canada Alert Bay, BC 12203
Canada Algoma, ONT 8525
Canada All Other Canada Great Lakes Region Ports 9000
Canada All Other Canada Atlantic Region Ports 13400
Canada All Other Canada Pacific Region Ports 12200
Canada All Other Labrador Ports 15298
Canada All Other Newfoundland Ports 15200
Canada Amherstburg, ONT 3504
Canada Argentia, NFLD 15213
Canada Auld's Cove, NS 13846
Canada Back Bay, NB 13400
Canada Baddeck, CBI 13855
Canada Baffin Island, NL 15298
Canada Baie Comeau, QUE 13481
Canada Bath, ONT 1653

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.