Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Canada Morrisburg,ONT 1696
Canada Mulgrave, NS 13436
Canada Nanaimo, BC 12406
Canada Nanticoke, ONT 6645
Canada New Westminster, BC 12408
Canada Newcastle, NB 14037
Canada Nootka, BC 12200
Canada North Sydney, NS 13853
Canada Oak Bay, BC 12498
Canada Oakville, ONT 6770
Canada Ojibway, ONT 3510
Canada Oshawa, ONT 9670
Canada Ottawa, ONT 7238
Canada Otter Island, ONT 9554
Canada Owen Sound, ONT 6768
Canada Parry Sound, ONT 6697
Canada Pelee Island, ONT 3507
Canada Picton, ONT 1652
Canada Pictou, NS 13854
Canada Point Tupper, CBI 14065

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.