Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Mexico Guadalupe Island 20100
Mexico Hermosillo 20100
Mexico Isla Maria Cleofas 20100
Mexico Isla Maria Madre 20100
Mexico Isla Maria Magdalena 20100
Mexico Abryos 20100
Mexico Puerto San Quintin 20100
Mexico San Blas 20100
Mexico San Geronimo 20100
Mexico San Ignacio 20100
Mexico San Jeronimo 20100
Mexico San Jose del Cabo 20100
Mexico Punta Escondida 20100
Mexico Punta Prieta 20100
Mexico Punta San Juanico 20100
Mexico Punta Santo Tomas 20100
Mexico Yavaros 20100
Mexico San Roque Island 20100
Mexico Santa Catarina 20100
Mexico Santo Tomas Point 20100

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.