Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Canada Quebec, QUE 14094
Canada Sillery, QUE 14092
Canada St. Romuald, QUE 14090
Canada Port Cartier, QUE 14073
Canada Matane, QUE 14070
Canada Port Alfred, QUE 14069
Canada Rimouski, QUE 14068
Canada Valleyfield, QUE 14067
Canada Pointe Au Pic, QUE 14066
Canada Point Tupper, CBI 14065
Canada Newcastle, NB 14037
Canada Mont Louis, QUE 14021
Canada Churchill, MAN 14001
Canada Sheet Harbour, NS 13888
Canada Liverpool, NS 13887
Canada Little Narrows, CBI 13884
Canada Meteghan, NS 13870
Canada Baddeck, CBI 13855
Canada Pictou, NS 13854
Canada North Sydney, NS 13853

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