Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Canada Campobello, NB 13445
Canada Cape Beale, BC 12213
Canada Carbonear, NFLD 15206
Canada Cardinal, ONT 1705
Canada Cayuga, ONT 2641
Canada Chance Harbor, NB 13445
Canada Chandler, QUE 13466
Canada Charlottetown, PEI 14471
Canada Chatham, NB 13460
Canada Chemainus, BC 12229
Canada Chicoutimi, QUE 13473
Canada Churchill, MAN 14001
Canada Clarenville, NFLD 15224
Canada Clarke City, QUE 13476
Canada Clarke Harbour, NS 13451
Canada Clarke's Harbour, NS 13451
Canada Clarkson, ONT 1527
Canada Coley's Point, NFLD 15226
Canada Come-by-Chance, NFLD 15229
Canada Comeau Bay, QUE 13481

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.