Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Indonesia Sungaipakning 56099
Indonesia Sungaigerong 56099
Indonesia Sungai Pakning 56099
Indonesia Sungai Kolak 56066
Sweden Sundsvall 40182
United Kingdom Sunderland 41376
Canada Summerside, PEI 14470
Oman Sultan Qaboos 52325
United Kingdom Sullom Voe 41682
Romania Sulina 48500
Georgia Sukhumi 46350
Indonesia Sukarnapura 56021
Egypt Suez 72949
Indonesia Suerbaja 56053
Philippines Subic Bay 56585
Brazil Suape 35170
China Taiwan Suao 58302
Taiwan China Suao 58302
Taiwan China Su Ao 58302
China Taiwan Su Ao 58302

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.