Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Netherlands St. Maarten 27727
France St. Louis du Rhon 42785
Canada St. Lawrence, NFLD 15283
French Guiana St. Laurent 31700
Canada St. John's, NFLD 15282
Antigua St. John's, Antigua 24831
Greece St. George's Bay 48400
Grenada St. George's 24881
Bermuda St. Georges 23251
Grenada St. George 24881
Netherlands St. Eustatius 27730
Reunion St. Denis 79052
Canada St. Catharines, ONT 1690
Guadeloupe St. Barth's 28319
Guadeloupe St. Bartholomew 28319
Guadeloupe St. Barthelemy 28319
Canada St. Anthony, NFLD 15212
Jamaica St. Ann's Bay 24100
Guadeloupe St. Anne 28300
Canada St. Andrews, NB 14426

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.