Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Nicaragua Punta Gorda 21900
Venezuela Punta Gorda 30700
Cuba Punta Gorda 23900
Belize Punta Gorda 20800
Mexico Punta Escondida 20100
Uruguay Punta del Este 35537
Venezuela Punta Cuchillo 30767
Venezuela Punta Chavez 30737
Venezuela Punta Cardon 30770
Venezuela Punta Camacho 30700
Chile Punta Arenas 33770
Ecuador Puna 33100
Philippines Pulupandan 56569
Singapore Pulum Bukum 55950
Singapore Pulau Sebarok 55901
Indonesia Pulau Sambu 56065
Malaysia Pulau Lumut 55709
Singapore Pulau Bukom 55950
Croatia Pula 47920
Colombia Puerto Zuniga 30100

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.