Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Indonesia All Other Kalimantan Ports 56020
Indonesia Alluth Kalimantan 56019
Indonesia Katawaringin 56019
Indonesia Tarakan 56018
Indonesia Tarakan Island 56018
Indonesia Sibuco Bay 56017
Indonesia Santan Terminal 56016
Indonesia Banjarmasin 56013
Indonesia Banjer Masin 56013
Indonesia Samarinda 56012
Indonesia Pontianak 56011
Indonesia Lawe Lawe Terminal 56010
Indonesia Senipah Terminal 56009
Indonesia Balikpapan 56007
Indonesia Attaka 56006
Indonesia Tanjungpandan 56005
Indonesia Tanjong Pandan 56005
Indonesia Pangkal Balam 56004
Indonesia Pangkalpinang 56004
Indonesia Pangkol 56004

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