Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
United Kingdom Poole 41398
Indonesia Pontianak 56011
Philippines Pontevedra 56500
Brazil Ponta do Ubu 35166
Portugal Ponta Delgada 47151
Brazil Ponta da Madeira 35168
India Pondicherry 53398
Micronesia Ponape 68207
Philippines Polillo 56500
Poland Police 45513
Croatia Pola 47920
Canada Pointe Noire, QUE 13476
Congo Brazzaville Pointe Noire 76350
Reunion Pointe des Galets 79051
Canada Pointe aux Trembles, ONT 1823
Canada Pointe Au Pic, QUE 14066
Guadeloupe Pointe a Pitre 28313
Trinidad Pointe a Pierre 27415
Brazil Point Ubu 35166
Canada Point Tupper, CBI 14065

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.