Schedule K Codes

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Country Port Name K Code
Japan Kobe 58840
Japan Kochi 58873
Japan Kokura 58841
Japan Kokura Ko 58841
Japan Komatsujima 58882
Japan Komatsushima 58882
Japan Kudamatsu 58843
Japan Kure 58845
Japan Kuroishi 58844
Japan Kushiro 58846
Japan Maizuru 58848
Japan Maizuru Ko 58848
Japan Makiyama 58800
Japan Marugame 58800
Japan Matsue 58800
Japan Matsunaga 58847
Japan Matsushima 58806
Japan Matsuura 58800
Japan Matsuyama 58849
Japan Mihara 58800

The above information is for reference only. Seatech Systems Integration Inc. holds no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this information.