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Container Terminal System |
ECTS is an online software allowing container depots and terminals
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Create acceptance advice for inbound containers, tracking details (e.g. involving parties), container sizes & types and quantities. Throughout the receiving process, the numbers and descriptions of containers received as well as the number of remaining containers can be viewed in real-time. Acceptance advice can be configured to receive only during a valid receiving date range, closed to prevent further receiving, or pre-assigned a trucking company. Containers registered under advice can be assigned various details such as “full/empty” or “hold/damage” statuses, contract numbers, insurance limits, etc.
Create release advice for outbound containers, tracking details (e.g. involved parties), container sizes & types, and authorized release quantities. As with the acceptance process, the numbers and descriptions of released containers as well as the remaining authorized container quantities can be viewed in real-time. Release advice can be configured to release only during a valid date range, closed to prevent further releasing, or pre-assigned a trucking company. Release advice can also be imported directly from shipping lines’ EDI transmission.
Receive containers at the gate based on pre-configured acceptance advice. With minimal data entry requirements, a Gate-In Equipment Interchange Receipt (EIR) can be created
quickly. EIRs can be copied for multiple-container transactions and repair and service estimates can be generated from the same page. Depending on user input, the program
can automatically assign good-order, hold, or damage statuses to container. It can then process an EDI transaction for the customer if required. Gate-In charges are
automatically transferred to the Billing module for invoicing.
Release containers at the gate based on preconfigured release advice. As with the Gate-In module, the Gate-Out module can produce EIRs with minimal data entry requirements.
EDI transactions can be processed to shipping lines. A record of the release sent to the Billing module for later invoicing of the Gate-Out. At any time, the release advice
and status history of a container can be quickly accessed to assist users with additional information pertaining to a release.
Purchase Orders
This module of ECTS, together with the Sale Orders, will help your company with the buy and sell tracking of containers. You can create purchase orders according to corresponding acceptance enrollments. Purchase orders keep track of purchased container quantities as well as their purchase details such as purchased price, trucking cost, import duties, etc. When a purchase order is created, any activities associated with a certain vendor can be configured to apply automatically to such order. Purchase orders can be searched for by various filters to quickly provide you with needed information.
Sale Orders
Purchase orders keeps track of sold container quantities as well as their sale details. Sale orders can be created according to the corresponding release from shipping lines. Sale orders are created for the sale of containers along with their sale details such as cost and profit margin. When a sale order is created, any activities associated with a certain customer can be configured to apply automatically to such order. Purchase orders can be searched for by many different filters.
The Billing module handles invoicing services for containers gate in and out, container storage,
repairs and services. Data inputted from other modules are transferred to the Billing
module automatically, from which invoices can be processed by date and customer. Because the
billing module is tightly integrated with the rest of the ECTS modules, there is a minimal effort
required for users to generate invoices from within ECTS. Invoices can also be faxed, emailed or EDI
directly to customers and exported to third-party accounting software.
Equipment Repairs
Container repair estimates can be created and maintained via the Equipment Repairs module. Detailed information can be viewed and updated including particular damage details, responsible parties, labour rates, insurance information, etc. Estimates can be sent to customers electronically via EDI, fax, or email. Customers can in turn transmit approval electronically for faster processing. Once all repairs are approved and completed, a record is sent to the Billing module for invoicing.
Equipment Maintenance
The Equipment Maintenance module allows for quick access to container information such as sizes & types, manufacture dates, max gross tonnes, ISO codes, etc. It also allows real-time tracking and maintenance of time-sensitive container information such as current status, block locations, seal/chassis numbers, inspector, or entire history of container.
Equipment Services
Track and maintain as many services as required for each container. The Equipment Services module is tightly integrated with each customer profile in terms of contract service rates. Service progress can be viewed and updated in real time. Similar to the Repair module, once a service is completed, information is transferred to the Billing module for invoicing.
ECTS can produce gate in and out activity and repair estimate EDI transactions. It can also process customers’ release authorizations and repair estimate approvals. Customer settings within ECTS
(customer EDI profiles) can be configured to specify which transactions are applicable for EDI.
ECTS provides a comprehensive means for users at all levels to access and display data in various report formats for varying purposes. Users can print, fax, or email reports
directly from the system. You and also configure the system to automatically email reports to customers at the end of each day.